Maria Pazos
MP Fine Arts | United States
Artist Statement
I really enjoy both alcohol inks and watercolor and am happy switching back and forth between them. I prefer painting people using watercolor and using alcohol inks for landscapes and flowers. I see a looser style emerging in my watercolors since I have been working with the alcohol inks. I am also experimenting combining the two, learning what works best, using the fact that the alcohol and water do not mix to create interesting results.
10" x 8" (Unframed). Watercolor on board.
22 x 15 Watercolor on 300# paper.
Spot on the beach , watercolor on paper; 15 x 22 (unframed)
9" x 12" (Unframed). Watercolor on 300# paper.
9" x 12" (Unframed). Watercolor
Watercolor on paper; 221 x 15 (unframed)
11" x 15" (Unframed) Watercolor on 300# paper.
11" x 15" (Unframed) Watercolor on 300# paper.
11" x 15" (Unframed) Watercolor on 300# paper.
9 x 12" (Unframed). Watercolor on 300# paper. SOLD
11" x 13" (Unframed) Watercolor on 300# paper.